Houston Area Alliance of Black School Educators

We as educators must build positive self image, good thinking skills, strong positive attitudes toward intellectual competition and high expectation of succeeding. It is up to us to provide them with an educational environment that strengthens and nurtures.


The Houston Area Alliance of Black School Educators’ primary mission is to enhance the education of all students and to exercise leadership in providing valuable professional services and strategies to institutions, agencies, and communities engaged in creating an environment in which students, particularly black students, can achieve academic excellence.

Dr. Rhonda Mason

Dr. Rhonda Dean Mason, HAABSE President, also serves as the Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Fort Bend ISD. She has spent her career organizing departments, resources, curriculum, and best instructional practices to benefit children in the most challenging schools and communities in the country. She has served as an executive director of elementary and secondary schools, executive director of early childhood, executive director of school improvement, elementary school principal, and in many other leadership positions.

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